Saturday, March 20, 2010

Time to get out the paint...

UPDATE 4/15/10: Existing crosswalk locations have been recently repainted but locations that were missing crosswalks (ie Chesterford at Pond Street) still do not have painted crosswalks.

When the sidewalks were re-done on Pond Street, really nice ADA crosswalk ramps were added, but many of the crosswalks were never painted (photo above is Chesterford Street with only a stop line, no painted crosswalk).

The new crosswalk accross Pond Street to the Horn Pond recreation area is faded and needs re-painting. Other towns use a textured paint that is raised and reflective (see Woburn's crosswalk just down the road). Seems like this would stand up to the wear and tear of snow and ice. A raised crosswalk would too, of course.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Innovative Speed Bump

I saw this innovative speed bump technology outside MGH and thought that something like this might be good for the Chesterford crosswalk accross Pond Street. While probably more expensive than asphalt, it looks like it would be easy to install. The crosswalk is faded already...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Big 18-Wheeler Truck Turns Onto Pond Street

I was getting gas at the Hess station when I saw this 18-wheeler turn onto Pond Street. While the street is a "no heavy truck" road, it is only marked at the Lake Street end in Woburn.
I also recently noticed that the "yeild to pedestrians" sign in the middle of the crosswalk at Chesterford looks like it has been run over.
I suspect that either a truck like this ran over it (as he likely could not have made it around the sign) or one of the really fast cars/trucks took it out. Bottom line is that more needs to be done to calm traffic and enforce existing laws. In this case, a raised crosswalk with center median would do the trick.