What does a single solid yellow line tell you on a two-lane road?
A. Unlike a double yellow line, you can pass, make a turn, and even make a U-turn
B. You are on a rural road
C. The same double yellow line rules apply
The answer surprised me. And, it surprised me that the rules of the road on Pond Street had been changed seemingly without notice when the road was mysteriously re-striped last April (see earlier post, When did Pond Street get reclassified as a Double Yellow Road?).
Curious? The answer, according to a Boston.com quiz, is A. Apparently, "Unlike a double yellow line, you can pass, make a turn, and even make a U-turn. Also, since it is so rare, you are likely on an older, rural road."
Interestingly, of the 49,100 votes received before I took the quiz, only 15% selected A (the correct answer), 14% selected B, and 71% selected C (my choice). Assuming that Boston.com is correct, the removal of passing from Pond Street is a good thing. I hope we are still allowed to cross the double yellow line to turn into our driveways...
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